Bad Credit Military Loans

These bad credit loans and military credit cards can offer financing to U.S. military members who have a poor credit rating. You will be able to apply for a military loan, even if you have bad credit. Active duty military members seeking a personal loan, as well as those with any other military affiliation (whether a reservist, career-retired, a military spouse, or military dependent) are ALL able to apply for a loan up to $40,000. Poor credit will not stop you from applying!
You should probably also look at our Military Credit Card types, many of which offer balance transfer capability and feature special military perks and rewards - also for anyone with a qualifying military affiliation, listed above.

The processes for active duty loans and non-active duty loans are different. If you are unsure of whether you are on active duty, please check your LES or ask your commanding officer. Please do not select "Active Duty" and try to apply for the bad credit loan for active duty members only, if you are not actually on active duty. You will just have to apply all over again.
If you are not on active duty (meaning you are a veteran, a spouse, a reservist, retired, or a military dependent) but still need to apply for a loan, trust us. We have seen it all, and your credit may not be as bad as you think, plus, you can check your rate with NO credit risk. Just select the non-active-duty military affiliation which applies to you and you will be able to you check your rate. It's free to apply and you get an instant loan rate quote, online, which you can either accept or decline (there is no credit risk if you decline). recognizes the military lifestyle is unlike any other and service members are subjected to uncommon challenges that should be (and are) taken into consideration when you apply for a loan. These loans and military credit cards have been specially crafted for active duty and military affiliated borrowers with poor to average credit scores.
Applying now for our online bad credit military loan can get you the cash you need - with loan terms you'll like!
PLEASE NOTE: Only ACTIVE DUTY military personnel should select ACTIVE DUTY status when applying. offers online military loan and credit card options to those who have served honorably in ANY branch of the US Armed Forces, as well as their families.